Saturday, December 21, 2013

A problem with the traditional Christmas Story

How really wise were the Wise Men? I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t want to be wandering around in the Middle East carrying fancy looking containers full of gold, frankincense and myrrh. That’s a problem waiting to happen, no matter how big and well-armed your retinue is. The goodies would be better spent feeding the camels and lackeys.

Lackey: Oh Wise Ones, lunch will be delayed a bit. We have to send somebody into that town over there for some olive oil, parsley, and thyme. Due to the haboob last week, we lost a couple traveling days hunkering down in those caves, and supplies are short. Can I have an advance on next week’s food budget? Here’s your box of gold, oh Kings from Afar.

WM 1: Sure, Lackey, but don’t spend it all in one place. We still need to pay someone to do the laundry. Hunkering down in a cave with camels
for two days put a strain on the wardrobe. 

WM 2: Plus we need to find an inn pretty soon. The tents are full of drifting sand. They need a thorough cleaning up and some repair. We really can’t use them as is.

Lackey: All the inns here are full. There is a census going on and people from near and far have come back to their ancestral home town. It’s like a huge family reunion. 

WM 3: And what was I hearing all last night? It sounded like singing. Was there a concert we missed?

Lackey: No, Oh Exalted Magi. It was Angels from On High.

WM 3: I’ve never heard of them. Are they a group from around here?

Lackey: I don’t believe their home base is in this area. They rarely make a local appearance. 

WM 2: Well, they sounded great, and the lighting effect from that star hovering overhead set off their gossamer wings to the best advantage. 

WM 1: Well, let’s go into town and see what’s up.  (They set off to town.)

A while later:

WM 2: This place is packed. At least we managed to get provisions. After lunch, we better head into the next town down the road. The innkeeper said there’s a Hilton Garden there. The oasis is pretty big, and they have great facilities for the camels. 

WM 1: I’m glad we stopped at the stable to find out that information. Best of all we found that couple with the baby boy. He’s a very special lad. I predict He’ll do great things.

WM 3: He did have a way about him, even for a newborn. Giving Mom and Dad the rest of the gold 
we brought into town today should help them out with baby expenses. And applying some frankincense 
and myrrh 
mixed up with a little olive oil is great for curing diaper rash. It makes an effective poultice, too, in case He gets asthma or a cold. 

Lackey: If your Eminences are ready, we can depart forthwith. I suggest we return home by a different route. 

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